View Full Version : lol, West Marine

July 9th, 2007, 01:17 AM
So, my dad and I went to our local West Marine the other day, to buy some shock cord for a kayak he was fixing. We walk in, look at shock cord on rolls. I notice a couple of the employees are talking about something in lowered voices. Another employee proceeds to cut two lengths of shock cord for my dad. We go to the counter, and my dad goes back with the employee to look at more shock cord, for another purpose my dad had forgotten.

One of the employees I had seen comes up to me and points at one of the ice chests. "This is where we keep our dead bodies", he says, in a very condescending tone. I am not amused, but I humor him. He then says, "Fish bodies, of course. You throw them in through this handy little hatch." He laughs a little more than I would have liked, then leads me to an icebox full of squid and bait fish. He goes on to explain how humorous it is that there are nutrition facts and recipes on the backs of the squid containers. He's still speaking to me like I'm a child. I'm thinking that maybe he's gone insane. He then goes and grabs a blue milk crate with the West Marine logo on it. He says, "sometimes, people steal these. I don't know why, but they do. So, they put this message on the side." He points to a sentence printed on, which says, "This crate is the property of West Marine, and is stolen. Please contact your local authorities immediately." Something like that. He then says, "I want you to buy one of these, and take it home. Use it for something." I tell him no thanks, give him a funny look, and walk over to where my dad is.

He stops to look at GPS units, and the other employee who was talking with the one I had just talked to is helping him. I fiddle with one of the units, looking at features and such. My dad asks something about waterproofing, and I jokingly mention that he could use a ziploc bag to keep one dry. The employee, without missing a beat, says, "Like what you kids keep your pot in these days?".

I instantly realize why they're being so strange. I stayed up until 5 o'clock the previous night, and on that day, I was out of it. I appeared to be stoned out of my mind. I reply, "Excuse me? I'm drug free, sir. I don't appreciate your insult to my age group." He looks surprised, probably noticing his mistake, walks off, and takes up his position behind the cash register. His face is red. I'm laughing my head off inside.

I straighten up, and stop dragging my feet for the rest of the time i am there, helping my dad with such relatively dexterous tasks as putting a tent pole together with a brand new length of shock cord, right in front of the red-faced employee. He appears to be in great psychological pain. As I walk out of the store, the man behind the counter is talking with the employee I had talked with earlier, whose face suddenly loses its cheeky grin. By now, I can barely contain myself. I get in the driver's side of my dad's truck, (I have my permit) and make a perfect exit from the parking lot. I doubt they'll be messing with anyone any time soon.

July 9th, 2007, 01:31 AM
Hahahahah, burned.

I don't know why, but in almost every photo taken, I look stoned. Could be because I barely ever get enough sleep, but even when I'm fully awake I look completely out of it.

What was really funny, though, was when I first got my contacts. My pupils were absouletely fucking huge because my eyes were trying to adjust to them, and everyone thought I was stoned :v

July 9th, 2007, 02:46 AM
i was in a car accident where my car was t-boned. i had some damage to my back, and was put on heavy tranquilizers, tramadol and soma. i was out with a friend that night while on these meds, picking up some food and insulin for his mom. now, the side effects are dizziness and drowsiness... so i was stumbling around. i needed to support myself on the counter and such. as i was leaving, a woman in line says aloud, "see kids? alcohol is BAD"

well, considering my level of pain and the fact that my car was nearly totaled, i was pretty upset about what she said. i turned around and said, "for your information, I DON'T DRINK. i'm on high dosages of PAIN KILLERS because some woman decided to RUN A STOP SIGN AND SMASH INTO THE SIDE OF MY CAR. so before you hop into your little car tonight, make sure you're not going to be an ASS behind the wheel, and hurt someone like i've been hurt."

the entire store was dead silent. not a single word, or cough or gasp came from anyone within earshot.

i promptly turned around and stumbled out of the store.

July 9th, 2007, 03:24 AM
Haha, nice.

July 9th, 2007, 03:29 AM
Nicely done, Snaf.

July 9th, 2007, 03:45 AM
I get that alot.......Not surprisingly. Usually I don't sleep until like 12......pm.......so then I wake up at around 9-10 so I stay up the night.......by 10 the next day I'm usually out and either appear stoned or drunk.

whoo 100th post....:party:

July 9th, 2007, 04:00 AM
you guys should've seen how thrashed i looked when i was getting 2.5 hours of sleep/night.

July 9th, 2007, 04:15 AM
I'm lucky to get 5 hours of sleep on any given night. Usually more like 3 or 4.

July 9th, 2007, 04:24 AM
I try to get my eight, but usually end up getting seven or six.

July 9th, 2007, 06:30 AM
i get about 6 on average. even over the summer. fucking sucks, i'm still on school time or something.

this thread could use more interesting stories :)...i've got none.

July 9th, 2007, 10:04 AM
I get around 8 hours of sleep every night.

July 9th, 2007, 11:00 AM
same; usually 8 hours or so.

I don't think I've ever appeared stoned at all. If I'm tired, I just look tired and not high.

good stories, +rep

July 9th, 2007, 11:55 AM
i slept 12 hours last night...

its summer break though.. once school starts again, back to 5-6 hr sleeps

July 9th, 2007, 12:01 PM
anyone wanna hear the story about me cussing up a storm for a cop?

July 9th, 2007, 12:03 PM

July 9th, 2007, 12:56 PM
yes I would like it too

July 9th, 2007, 02:55 PM
i was in a car accident where my car was t-boned. i had some damage to my back, and was put on heavy tranquilizers, tramadol and soma. i was out with a friend that night while on these meds, picking up some food and insulin for his mom. now, the side effects are dizziness and drowsiness... so i was stumbling around. i needed to support myself on the counter and such. as i was leaving, a woman in line says aloud, "see kids? alcohol is BAD"

well, considering my level of pain and the fact that my car was nearly totaled, i was pretty upset about what she said. i turned around and said, "for your information, I DON'T DRINK. i'm on high dosages of PAIN KILLERS because some woman decided to RUN A STOP SIGN AND SMASH INTO THE SIDE OF MY CAR. so before you hop into your little car tonight, make sure you're not going to be an ASS behind the wheel, and hurt someone like i've been hurt."

the entire store was dead silent. not a single word, or cough or gasp came from anyone within earshot.

i promptly turned around and stumbled out of the store.

This is what makes you awesome. :)

Neuro Guro
July 9th, 2007, 05:34 PM
I had this horrible honors history class last year, it was horrible because the teacher never really did anything but sit around and talk to students. We barely had any homework or any good discussions ect, unlike the general history class I had the previous year,also none of my friends were in it so there wasn't anyone cool to talk to. So I found it as a quite acceptable time to take a nap in there once in awhile that is if I was certain we were not going to be doing anything and since i sit in the back of the room most of the people would not even pay attention.

Well everyone in that class thinks I'm a big pothead anyway because they've all heard stories about me smoking bowls or getting trashed once in awhile. Yeah its true, but that only happens about 2 or 3 times a year. But the general opinion is that I'm a complete addict and do it consistently, like every day or every weekend. But anyways, most of the kids in that class are the preppy kids who think they're the greatest thing to hit this high school and that anyone else is "below" them.

And here is what happened to me. I'm in this class laying my head down, just getting some rest, I forget what I was working on the previous night, but I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted to. All of a sudden I hear this large BANG. This asshole picked my books up and slammed them on my desk. I said, "Yeah you're really fucking cool Jake.." I said it loud enough so everyone could hear. "..What the fuck was the purpose of that just now? You know what, you don't even care about this class because you're always bitching about that you don't even need to take this class because you think that you're such a hardass because you want to join the Marines straight after high school, And you know what? You just might die because you're so arrogant.."

Now what I could have typed here to make this story sound cooler is that I beat him up right there in front of everyone and made a bigger scene, but thats not what happened next. The teacher was watching and listening to everything that happened and so saw what my situation was like, so she didn't say anything. What did I do after that then? I got up and left the class and just wandered around in the hallways, it was almost the last day of the school year and I didn't need that shit, so I just removed my self from the whole thing. And to be honest thats really the best thing you can do.

July 9th, 2007, 05:51 PM

July 9th, 2007, 05:54 PM
It's a shame people are like that. However it sounded like he needed his ass kicked. Well done Neuro. :)

teh lag
July 9th, 2007, 06:03 PM
D: Neuro you're awesome.

July 9th, 2007, 10:43 PM
Quite so.