Well, Halo is nice because they actually come up with most of the level design themselves. I mean comon, they even invented their own mother fucking architecture style.
Stop, do not trole on video games /sarcasm It is true in some way, but honestly I stick with shooter games or horror games. Dead Space and Halo brah.
Never cease to amaze me. Seeing you wont do the h3 shotgun now since you done this other reloads now theres no point in handing out more to you eh? Your loss not mine.
My computer has no working operating system, and it's like, seemingly impossible for my parents to just buy a fucking copy of Windows XP. I have two on it right now: Media Center and Home. Media Center is fucking corrupt, I can't remove it, and Home is already on my brother's computer, so I couldn't activate it and now I can't uninstall it(because it's not 'activated' or some shit) and reinstall it so I can have 30 days again, then do it over.
Odx you, why arn't you on xfire? I need to talk to you.
you didnt give me the attachments, just sent me the link, SMG is uhhh not smoothed and .etc. I have my reasons....