Conversation Between Teroh and Rook

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Man you donated 300 bucks? x]
  2. I got my orange!
  3. I'm in Italy now on vacation, won't be home till late August. My steam ID is xterohx
    I don't know why you say I'm a good poster, I've hardly made any posts that add much to the topic. I've mostly been agreeing with other people and adding an anecdote here or there, lol.
  4. By the way you're easily the best poster here now, LOL
  5. lol w/e

    Just message me on xfire and we can play some TF2, also what is your steam iddd?
  6. I feel pretty bad... I still don't remember. Oh well, I'm sure we can be friends again. LOL.
  7. I used to run around as some shitty named Dark Master when I started in late 04, lol
  8. Ganon: I'm white and have yellow fever as well.

    Rook: If you don't mind my asking, what was your old name on CE? I don't exactly remember a "Rook" D:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10