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Thread: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

  1. #11
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    the ending was nice

    also, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes don't make gay songs, they make awesome
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  2. #12
    Movie Maker Siliconmaster's Avatar
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    My first reaction was: why the hell didn't I think of that? And yeah, the ending was pretty amusing.
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  3. #13
    Has no custom user title UnevenElefant5's Avatar
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    get a gauss hog on each wing and you've got yourself an unstoppable machine.
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  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    gauss shots might recoil you right off lol.
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  5. #15
    Movie Maker Siliconmaster's Avatar
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    Haha. Someone needs to try it. I would, but I'm doing homework. :P
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  6. #16
    Senior Member ICEE's Avatar
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    Re: Warthog hitchin a ride on hornet

    Little late here, but mi thinking we get 4 hornets grouped together and see if we cant position an elephant on them.
    With my bare hands
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