Ambiguous Alpha v2.50
Ambiguous is a non-funded poorly coded(for now) application, for the use of modifying tag data inside of the (NOT)Popular game of halo 2 vista. As Ambiguous is now it is not at its full potential and is missing a lot of the features planned for the future.
Okay now that that lame part is done i can get to the real thing. Basically as says above this is just a application like any other made before. But this is the first one that i know of for h2v that modifies real time.
Task List.
- Locating and identify the in game map structure
- Create a class to read and load the data
- Creating a Working and efficient meta editor 97%
- Creating a stable GUI..... 92%
- Tag Extraction To H2EK Compatible Tags 8%
- Figure out a awesome name with a sick icon
- Other stuff as i think of it.
- Loading Tag name data 100%
Please Report any bugs that you think i am not currently aware of, Note I may already know about some bugs. As this is a Alpha release so, they will probably be fixed in due time.
Note: This is a protected application which means it is harder to decompile, I will however release the source in the future after it is a finished application.
Update 1: Aug/31/2011.
Fixed The Duplicate tag error, Faster Loading, Sizable Gui
Update 2: Aug/31/2011.
Tag Name Loading feature.
How to use it.
The New Cache Feature is a way to load tag names
To make a cache file of your map just do the following.
-First: Click on the "Cache" button near the "Load" Button
-Second: Choose Wether to Create one cache file for a single map, or a entire folder of maps
-Third: Profit?
Update 3: Sep/2/2011.
New Gui, More Stable, and stuff
Update 4: Sep/11/2011
Tag Loading improved.
Extra features include (Godmod, 3rd person, stillcam, Flymode,gamespeed modifier)
Update 6: Oct/28/2011
TAG LOADING 100% Improved
Note: Delete your Cache and Map Cache folder before using this version
Update 7 : Oct/30/2011
Washed the code up, and rinsed off all the soap suds
Added Hotkeys to the extra's
Added a cool link label to the status bar
update 8 : Dec/01/2011
Added some new extra features and fixed hotkeys
cleaned up the code
Credits (To Who those who deserve it.)
- To all the people who made the plugins for Gravmind which i used
- Kantanomo, Original Creator of Ambiguous.
- Kornman00, For helping me figure out something that i couldn't piece together.
- Shock120, whys dat fag in here?
- Patrcikssk6, Processmemory class
Thats all i can think of right now and i have to leave now anyways...