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  1. #11
    crylancer Cortexian's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Calgary, AB, Canada
    Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute Cortexian has a reputation beyond repute

    Re: ...

    That's because it's from 2011.
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  2. #12

  3. #13

    Re: ...

    now I feel like a dick. his last post here was in response to me. elmo D,;
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  4. #14
    Rocket jump! Lateksi's Avatar
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    Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute Lateksi has a reputation beyond repute

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    This video is unable to be displayed because the YouTube video tags were used incorrectly. Please review proper use of the tags here.

    R.I.P. the most rad Elmo
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