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Thread: Importing 3ds. file to map

  1. #1
    Senior Member fletcher77's Avatar
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    Importing 3ds. file to map

    I have been importing 3ds. files to use as instances in my map. When I do they end up with a lot of open faces. Is there a way to get around this when I import?
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  2. #2
    The One and Only TheGhost's Avatar
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    Re: Importing 3ds. file to map

    Fix the open edge errors? If you're downloading these models from somewhere they might not be suitable to put in game without doing some touch-up work.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member fletcher77's Avatar
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    Re: Importing 3ds. file to map

    they are my files they just end up with open edge errors when I export them as a 3ds file and then import them into my map. There has to be something I am doing wrong. They are error free before export.
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  4. #4
    Mapper Indeedy randreach454's Avatar
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    Re: Importing 3ds. file to map

    mb convert to editable poly, hit the vert button, ctrl a to select all verts, weld mb? that could work..
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  5. #5
    Senior Member fletcher77's Avatar
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    Re: Importing 3ds. file to map

    I just started to export then in obj format. it works without error when importing them
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