
Type: Posts; User: Rooster

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  1. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing for Video Games

    thx man! hope everyone watches!
  2. Sticky: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard SurfaceTexturing for Video Games

    Though the final result isnt as flashy as the last one, I consider this one way better than the last. Rather than just watching me model and make random comment, I have actually organized this into...
  3. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    I finished the texture tut. should i make a new thread for it?
  4. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    how did you not know? how do you think i made narrows?
  5. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    u make some good points. however, covering the very basics of subdivision was something i expected users to know. However, I am taking your crit, and am working hard to make the next tutorial seem...
  6. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    for every main edge, you should have one support edge on either side. THis is something that takes a lot of practise to get used to. here is a tut that WILL help you:
  7. Sticky: A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing for Video Games:

    A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games (by roosterMAP):

    This video is aimed for people who are already familiar with basic modeling in 3DS Max and are looking to learn...
Results 1 to 7 of 7