thx man! hope everyone watches!
Type: Posts; User: Rooster
thx man! hope everyone watches!
Though the final result isnt as flashy as the last one, I consider this one way better than the last. Rather than just watching me model and make random comment, I have actually organized this into...
I finished the texture tut. should i make a new thread for it?
how did you not know? how do you think i made narrows?
u make some good points. however, covering the very basics of subdivision was something i expected users to know. However, I am taking your crit, and am working hard to make the next tutorial seem...
for every main edge, you should have one support edge on either side. THis is something that takes a lot of practise to get used to. here is a tut that WILL help you:
A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games (by roosterMAP):
This video is aimed for people who are already familiar with basic modeling in 3DS Max and are looking to learn...