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  1. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard SurfaceTexturing for Video Games

    Great stuff, briefing skipped through bits, will watch it in full at a later date but yeah great work.
  2. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    Oh okay, makes sense. Makes modeling a ton easier then.

    Adding support edges, it stops the turbosmooth messing up the edges. You put at least 2 edges, (one either side) of the edge. How do you...
  3. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    Ah, I used Orbit and it grabbed the mp4 being played.

    I have a few questions, how do you nudge the vertices, WITHOUT using the mouse/gizmo?

    You use like different objects to build up parts of...
  4. Sticky: Re: [TUT] A Comprehensive Look at Hard Surface Modeling for Video Games:

    I'm assuming you were the one who made it, cool accent :D

    Great work thanks :D (gonna watch it tomorrow probably).

    Is it possible to download vimeo videos, so I can watch it in stages?
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