
Type: Posts; User: MetaRidley15

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  1. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    Another important point. I downloaded the latest drivers from NVIDIA and the install program itself could not detect the card.
    The driver installer on the Alienware CD CAN see the card.
    This is...
  2. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    It did come with my computer, I only got it a couple of weeks ago. As I said before, "msconfig32.exe" can see it but not dxdiag. I still think it's something to do with the dual graphics of my...
  3. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    I swear I replied to this before but thanks for the advice.
    Unfortunately it didn't work, dxdiag still couldn't see anything and Halo 2 didn't do anything. Interestingly, I couldn't access NVIDIA...
  4. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, 2GB
  5. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    I should also note that I reinstalled the driver from the CD that came with the computer and that didn't work either. Perhaps I should disable the integrated graphics, THEN reinstall NVIDIA drivers?...
  6. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    Ok. Well do you know of any way that I can make dxdiag recognise it? Or Halo 2? Or can I trick Halo 2 into thinking my integrated graphics are better?
    Thanks again for any help.
  7. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    Yes I thought of that after I posted actually, but that didn't work. Dxdiag couldn't find any graphics card and halo 2 still wouldn't run. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  8. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)


    I know this thread's been dead for a long time but I have tried all of these methods on my computer and halo 2 won't run.

    Now when I try to run the game using windows program...
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