
Type: Posts; User: supersniper

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  1. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    well clearly your issue is with your graphics card not being recognized by your computer, did it come with the computer or did you install it yourself? if you installed it yourself then you did it...
  2. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    what kind of card do you have?
  3. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    the issues above are for the error where it says an instance of LIVE is already running.

    but if dxdiag couldn't find any graphics card then there's your problem.
  4. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    yeah it's just a completely random bug that even g4wl haven't sorted out. and now on top of that due to their update in the voice coded in november. in game chat is broken in h2v. you can send live...
  5. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    update, thanks vicky. hope that will help people if they haven't gotten it working yet
  6. Sticky: Re: Windows 7 Work arounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    yeah i've posted it before but I couldn't find it when i searched and well i wanted it stickied so newbies can see it if they have problems.

    and shush about the title :P

    is there anything else...
  7. Sticky: Windows 7 Walkarounds (Halo 2 for Windows Vista)

    There are various methods to get Halo 2 for Windows Vista to work on Windows 7 and some work some don't.
    Anyways here is a list of possible solutions below.

    If you are one of the unfortunate...
Results 1 to 7 of 7