the internal server errors are becoming more and more annoying..
you can't expect to run a worthwhile community website if the user gets bombarded with errors.. i got one just trying to make this post.
to be honest, the only reason people are putting up with it is because they've been here a long time, you will never get new members that actually post and become a constructive member if the 1st experience here is a error page.
the time has come to stop pussy footing around this with dreamhost.
DEMAND to know what the problem is, what you can do, if anything to fix it... and if they give you a hard time, threaten to leave.
if they say fine, leave. DO IT.
find a new host that better serves your needs, don't say you wanna stay with dreamhost because of the space/bw they give you, every host is pretty much "unlimited" now.
we can handle the downtime for the transition, hell, with the errors, the site is down more than 50% of the time anyway.