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Well, yesterday was a hectic night. I'm sure most of you have somehow heard something about what's happened, but some of you might not have - and most of you haven't heard my side of it. So, here is a quick recap of the events that lead to this situation, for those who care about this.
Ever since i've been the admin of HaloMods, I've hated the horrible attitude of some prominent members of the site. I'm talking about GTAF, Tural, Veegie, Detox and some others. They often have no respect for other community members and approach many people in a nasty arrogant manner. They were ruining the atmosphere on the site, and inspiring other users to act similarly. My personal distaste for their behaviour and attempts to do something about this were not taken well. For a long time i've tried to make things work out, but things exploded after a series of events happened.
At some point I got wind of some staffers bitching about me behind my back on the HaloMods IRC, and I decided it was the last straw for me. I made up some false reasons to demote GTAF and Shadowkhas from the staff for this reason - as can be read in the logs Tural has posted online. (the fat guy in the picture is NOT me, ffs). Note that I in no way was planning to ban them - especially not Shadowkhas. I just believed that I couldn't work with them as a team. Anyways, I had a long chat with this about Tural and told him what I'd done and why - I wanted to keep Tural on the staff team. Alas, after a few days Tural decided otherwise, and he, GTAF, detox and some others exploded in the IRC chat. The resulting logs were published by Tural and can be found here: tural.xenon7.net/lolsg.html
Make up your own mind about these guys.
After this chat, I banned Tural and GTAF from the forums and the IRC chat. All hell broke loose. Tural, GTAF and many other people starting spamming links and nonsense on the forums. Detox had even written a software program to spam posts to all the Halomods subsections, and, after having spammed many posts, Tural and GTAF sabotaged the emblem system by giving everyone emblems. It was a load of work to clean things up - I had to stay up very late, put the site down for a while, and turn off new user registrations.In the heat of the moment, many people spamming the site were banned. It's all completely rediculous.
Anyways, things have died down, and hopefully we've seen the last of this spam. I will be assembling a new staff team shortly. JK-47 is the first new member on the staff team, and I know he will make a great moderator that treats users with respect. Hopefully the atmosphere on HaloMods will change for the better, so that we can go ahead with the plans to convert this place into a great modding community.