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Thread: Modern Warfare 2

  1. #31
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    The maps are all good (excluding wetworks [SHIPMENT IS THE TINY MAP WETWORKS IS THE CARGO FREIGHTER]) Really COD5 was too grey. CoD4 had more than enough color. If you make it to vibrant it makes it impossible to "blend in" so you can snipe. This is not halo! being discreet is the key to sucsess in cod4. I make sure to stay in shadow and behind cover/bushes at all times.

  2. #32

    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Quote Originally Posted by Jean-Luc View Post
    - AC-130 mission again. Was good the first time, but no need for more.
    I disagree with you sir, I find that the AC 130 mission was awesome, and it makes for a good stress reliever after a bit of combat.

  3. #33
    Holy Testicle Saturday! DrunkenSamus's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    I want enemies to take cover when I use suppresing fire, but then again, there is a great mod for the PC version of COD4 that covers that and a lot more.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Hunter's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Give me a silencer for my barret 50cal and I am happy

    Also, would be good if you could carry two primary weapons, and a pistol... e.g. Sniper + Assault Rifle + Pistol. Makes sence since pistol can be on your belt or what ever. Knife should also go, you should be able to beat people to death.

    Would also be awesome if they made it realistic, so when someone gets shot with a barret, or an 50 caliber round, they got blown to shit, like on Rambo.

    Give us zombie mode. And they should allow people to blow shit through buildings, so you could blow up the supports to a building, and the whole thing would collapse. Would be nice for the player to have more a more interactive enviroment, so you could run and jump over walls. and hang on to them maybe.

    As long as it doesn't fail as much as Cod5 did I am happy. Cod5 is a disgrace...

  5. #35
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Yeah the only good guns in cod5 were the Springfield and the PPSH.



    What is this I don't even...

  6. #36
    Senior Member 343guiltymc's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    You want realism, but also want a a 50 cal with silencer?!

  7. #37
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaDragon View Post
    I disagree with you sir, I find that the AC 130 mission was awesome, and it makes for a good stress reliever after a bit of combat.
    Yeah, that part was one of the best of the game. I'm glad they brought it back -- you can see some of it in their videos.

  8. #38
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkenSamus View Post
    I want enemies to take cover when I use suppresing fire, but then again, there is a great mod for the PC version of COD4 that covers that and a lot more.
    There is? Link please?

  9. #39

    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Quote Originally Posted by Inferno View Post
    Oh and the console version is dog shit. I've played console cod4. It was HORRIBAD the only gun worth using was the p90. Every other gun was impossible to aim.
    Sounds like user failure on your end. I have CoD 4 on both X360 and PC and I can say both versions work just fine. I actually prefer the 360 version in most cases, because when I played on PC it seemed like every server was 32 playercount on fucking broadcast or creek :\

  10. #40
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: So the upcoming CoD: MW2

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooky View Post
    Sounds like user failure on your end. I have CoD 4 on both X360 and PC and I can say both versions work just fine. I actually prefer the 360 version in most cases, because when I played on PC it seemed like every server was 32 playercount on fucking broadcast or creek :\
    Sounds like user failure on your end. I can find plenty of small 5v5 and SMALLER servers when I want to. Nice small "position games" on larger maps with small amounts of players is really fun. Lower player limits allow you to control certain parts of the map and pick offense and defense positions. The game gains a lot more tactics when the player limit gets low sneaking and "dead silence" are extremely useful as well. Try 3v3 on vacant. That is one of the best tactical game there is.

    Also PC version = Free Map Packs AND free online play
    From what I've played (and heard of my friends complaining about) Everyone on the console version picks the gun with the highest rate of fire and spams away at there enemy's. On the PC version I can cross map with a AK-47. On the console version I can hardly even aim the M16.

    Also auto-aim is for pussys.
    Last edited by Inferno; July 16th, 2009 at 12:55 PM.

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