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Thread: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

  1. #31
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Ill edit the words a bit and look for some better color scheme but i forgot to save the psd right as i was finishing so itll be later that i repost the updated version. I like the colors because it keeps the bkgd from being too white and dull, a better scheme for color would be nice i do agree, though.
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  2. #32
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    black background; greenish text

    old school console fonts, hooray!
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  3. #33

    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff


    +rep for effort, glad someone finally made a tut for new users.
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  4. #34
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Thanks CV, rep is always appreciated, and yeah im trying to make os more appealing to mappers, we could get some sick mods with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kornman00 View Post
    black background; greenish text

    old school console fonts, hooray!
    heh, ill do two new schemes and let people pick.
    Another thing, please let me know of anything i missed or did not cover enough! I may or may not go further with this and make a whole map explaining the steps etc.
    Last edited by Dwood; March 9th, 2010 at 12:43 PM. Reason: CV is not cad
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  5. #35
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

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  6. #36
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Its definitely a start, although I personally hate having to scroll sideways in things. This should totally be a PDF and also the wording is pretty poor in places which may confuse a few people.
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  7. #37
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Point out areas that have bad wording etc so i can fix it.
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  8. #38
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Sorry to rain on your parade, but this isn't very good, at all. You should aim for something more professional if you are wanting people to take this seriously. Having colored text backgrounds is not, by any means, professional. It makes it look like a very inexperienced person did it, and is just trying to cover up lack of knowledge by using 'pretty colors'. The first thing that needs to be done is, get rid of this image and colored background nonsense. Create a Word document or PDF file.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood
    Please note that the second a non-os client opens an os-scripted map, the millisecond that that that that those scripts access that global, why will crash"
    Another thing, you need to improve your grammar. If I was someone new to OS, I would not take this seriously with how 'childish' it sounds. The quote above is a perfect example, why do you have four 'that's when it is not only completely unnecessary, but it also makes no sense whatsoever.

    A couple more examples of stuff you need to get rid of, please note this isn't everything: "rite", 'tbh' (is it really that hard to type it out), 'fwends', '
    Last but certainly, most definitely not least, is the End-User', etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood
    ALL TAG LIMITS ARE INCREASED BY 1.5 times the normal limits in OS!

    No. I don't know where you got that from, but you are incorrect. He did not increase every Block's maximum element count, only a select few. I don't know why you are using the terminology 'tag limits'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood
    Wlthout adding some kind of interface for your tags into Open Sauce Halo won't know how to load it and when you try to play your map with it, it will more than likely crash.
    You obviously have no clue what you are talking about, please stop. Here is a post about the subject, directly from Kornman himself.
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  9. #39
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    1st: I asked for corrections so you are most definitely not 'raining down on my parade'. In fact, you're helping me by providing places to increase the accuracy as well as quality of the document. 2nd: The " that that that that " was on purpose, as I was up until unearthly hours in the morning yesterday trying to finish this and upload it. 3rd. I do not have no clue what I'm talking about. I was able to make this thing without being wrong on every single aspect, therefore, I have some clue as to what I'm doing. 4th: I use the terminology "tag limits" because I found, and still find it fitting, as well as easily understandable.

    And last but most definitely, certainly not least, you can lighten up.
    Last edited by Dwood; March 9th, 2010 at 06:42 PM.
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  10. #40
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: [Gallery]DaWood. Deewood. Dwood does some depressing stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    4th: I use the terminology "tag limits" because I found, and still find it fitting, as well as easily understandable.
    Using 'tag limits' is vague, and can lead to giving people the wrong idea. It is not fitting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    And last but most definitely, certainly not least, you can lighten up.
    Why do you continue to use that horrible sentence structure, to annoy me? I don't need to lighten up, I'm just trying to tell you what you did wrong because you are giving out incorrect information, and not doing it in a great way.
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