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Thread: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

  1. #21
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    I'd make the scratches on the tank a bit bigger and one one side, I'd put a line of black under the metal (where the "primer" has been exposed).
    Remember not to go too overboard either with your damage

    PS. Iron warriors are cooler than World Eaters, sorry.
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  2. #22
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    So, the black goes only one side? Why only one? Sounds good though. Oh, and I've figured out a way to add a bit of diversity into my Marines. What I'll do is take 5 of the 15 Chaos Marines, and use them as Chosen Chaos Space Marines. And, to differentiate them from the others, I'll give each of those Marines a unique paint scheme while keeping most of the World Eaters scheme. For example, I'm almost done this one Marine that has the basic colour scheme, except has a black torso and head instead of the regular red. And then for another one, I'll have his upper legs being black or gold, as well as his shoulders. Each of these 5 Marines has been modified/converted, so they look nice and special. One example of these is the Chaos Space Marine shown in the first post that has the shield on his arm.

    So what do you guys think of that?

    PS : World Eaters are definitely cooler than Iron Warriors. Nothing beats bloodthirsty killing machines.
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  3. #23
    ლ(-_-ლ) Reaper Man's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Urgh, it looks like you didn't even undercoat your models... Undercoat them in black, then for areas that need to be lighter, add a layer or two of white, and build up the base coat from there. I hated it when my friends rushed their paintjobs back in the day when we all had Warhammer models.
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  4. #24
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    I'd forgive him for using white since his models are mostly red (hell, I use white for everything since it makes the colours more vivid )
    Also, make sure you thin your paints to the consistency of milk (with water). You'll need a few coats to get the same solid colour but you'll avoid any streakyness (if you apply enough coats) and won't clog details.
    GW paint is pretty notorious for that :x

    E: wait what are we talking about, it's obvious from the defiler WIP's that he's using white primer.
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  5. #25
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Oh so I'm supposed to water them down? That's something I wasn't aware of, although it does make sense. I'll try it out and see what it does for me. Should I just stick the water directly into the bottle or should I get something where I can mix paints?

    Also, like n00b said, I have a white primer which I then cover with a menachite (or something like that) red, as seen on the first picture of the Defiler WIP. I then add a coat of Blood Red over that. Remember, this is my first time doing this so it won't look too too amazing. I really appreciate all the tips though.
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  6. #26
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    I'm a little embarrassed I didn't say thin your paints in my first post, apparently I haven't been to /tg/ enough lately
    Get a little pallet (one with wells keeps the paint from drying out as quickly on the pallet but I've seen a lot of places use tiles so whatever floats your boat) and mix them on that.
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  7. #27
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Alright, that sounds really good to me. Yeah, sorry for being such a beginner at this stuff, I've never really painted anything before.

    I have another question. I've been looking around at people's models, and they just look so good with their lighters trims and all that. However, I don't want to risk trying that just yet, in fear of screwing up my guys. So, my question is, how would a beginner like me be able to put trims on his guys in an easy and reliable manner? And what colour do you guys recommend that I use for them?
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  8. #28
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    There's nothing wrong with being a beginner dude, we were all there
    Hell, you're doing what a lot of beginners DON'T do, listening to criticism, seeking feedback and wanting to try new things.

    What do you mean by trims? Got some example pics?
    Also, since you're a marine player I'd suggest you sign up over at The Bolter & Chainsword. They're a p cool community of chaos/marines players who'll have a lot of army-specific advice for you.
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  9. #29
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    When I say trim, take a look at this picture here :

    If you look at the edges and corners, the colours are a bit brighter, giving off a nice effect. However, I know that if I try that, I'll just splotch the whole thing up and it'll look ugly as hell, and it probably wouldn't be the right colour. Any suggestions? Oh, and if you look at the lights or whatever on the Dreadnought, it looks like glass, looking all shiny and stuff.

    I guess what I'm trying to ask is how to make my models look good. When you look at models made by people that have been doing this crap for years, all their models look nice, clean and actually real while mine look really fake. Just by looking at the pictures, I can't tell what it is that I'm doing wrong. Here's an example of a very sexy marine :

    What can I do to make my guys look awesome like that? Once again, I really appreciate the help, and I will definitely be checking out that website. Thanks a lot!

    P.S : Oh, and one last thing, I've painted two of my Chosen Chaos Space Marines with alternate colour schemes, will post pictures tomorrow.
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  10. #30
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Ah, thought that may be what you mean. The lighter edges are actually called highlighting. Trim would be the gold bits around the sarcophagus.
    Check the link I sent you for details on the lenses (which are really simple) and other awesome crap. I'm sure it'll help.

    For blood red armour, I use a blazing orange highlight. Get a small brush and use the sides to go over the edges for edge hard highlights.
    The second model you posted there is a great example of how to paint the hardest colour. The thing with white is that you can't highlight it with a brighter colour so you've got to paint it in off-white while still making it look white. He's also used blending (really visible on the above the right foot) and the eyes are an example of Object Source Lighting (OSL). Neither are particularly easy techniques to master (though blending is a requirement for high-end models unless you're deliberately going for a striated look).

    Basically it all comes down to practice practice practice. It's expected that your models will look bad when you're starting out. You need to just accept that and learn from the mistakes you make on every model you paint. It gets much easier
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