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Thread: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

  1. #41
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    As an aside, you can buy some Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos and mix their parts in with your marines. It looks surprisingly awesome. :o
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  2. #42
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by n00b1n8R View Post
    I've mainly painted nids so metallics aren't my strong suit. Just check the book
    Will do! And man, that chaos army looks pretty amazing of you ask me. I might just have to do that with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnevenElefant5 View Post
    Also I like that little shield you added onto that marine, I might have to put a shield on one of my Chaos Marines.
    Haha, go for it! I find it adds a nice diversity to my army and it actually looks good! But wait until my other guy, he's even better Shield + sword sound good to anyone?
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  3. #43
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Corrupt Sword Brethren?

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  4. #44
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Ok, so I've been gone a few days, been busy the others, but I'm back with a small update! Sorry for the two top pics being crappy quality, I just couldn't get good shots with them, and I was running short on time so I didn't try too too hard to make good ones. I promise I'll have better ones once they're done.

    So, here's some cool Khorne Bezerker who's not quite done yet, all good, yeah yeah same old stuff.

    Anyway, I found all the red and gold extremely repetitive and I wanted to mix things up a bit. Since I was also very interested in the Warriors of Mayhem (I've always found that the purple and silver look pretty damn good together), so I decided to try that out a bit. This guy's not done yet, but he's looking nice so far.

    And, while I was at Games Workshop, I decided to treat myself to something. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, so here's a 4000 word essay :

    But wait, where on Earth did I get that new arm?

    So yes, I now have an IronClad Dreadnought ready to be converted to Chaos. But, I'm not too sure how exactly I should do this one. I mean, I want to do something different than my first one, yet keep it similar. Any ideas? And what's your opinion on the fact that I have two warbands in my army? Comment! Criticize! Worship!
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  5. #45
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    (Khorne is red and brass, not gold )

    Berserker is looking nice though, you're much neater and smoother with your paint work.
    The bone bursting out of the Dread makes it look a lot more chaos'ey too. I'd really suggest you start conversion work before assembly though (eg, cutting off Imperial Aquila's, ad-mech symbowls, purity seals, etc) to make your life easier.

    The purple scheme is good too. SHADE THAT METAL ASAP
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  6. #46
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Yeah, I know it's meant to be brass except that my Games Workshop doesn't have any brass...which is really I had to go with gold. Oh, and any tips on how to cut off those things you mentioned? I've never cut off details like that before.
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  7. #47
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    With a scalpel (you should be cutting off the mould-lines with this too, check the book).
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  8. #48
    State your identity! Hotrod's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Right, so it's been way too long since I've updated this thread, but I decided I wanted to show off some semi-recent updates to my army. So enjoy! Oh, and I'm still horrible at taking pictures, and don't have a camera with me here in residence, so this is what you get, let's hope it works.

    Oh, and some of my pictures are darker than others despite being taken right after the other. Dunno why, but I'll try to fix all my camera suckyness for the next update (should be in about a week). Some guys won't be shown due to having their pictures of pretty atrocious quality, but they'll be shown in the next update.

    First off, here's a look at the regular Chaos Space Marines, which have all featured a nice retouch. I decided to have a bit of fun with one of them, changing up his power pack thingy and giving him a Venerable Dreadnought helmet.

    Next up are the Possessed Chaos Marines. Note the Possessed Khorne Berzerker :3

    This Rhino is still getting a nice amount of updates. Actually, this picture is quite outdated, since I've made a few major changes to it since this picture was taken, including the top hatch being gold instead of red, and having a bunch of details all around being redone.

    And with the Rhino comes the Khorne Berzerkers that it carries in games (not that it's ever done a good job lately). Note that some of these are old, and others are newer, so quality will vary.

    I'm sure you want to see how the Defiler turned out (or maybe you don't, but too bad, you're seeing it anyway). Once again, sorry for not having that great of a picture as well as not showing off much of it. More to come on that though!

    Dreadnought #1 also got a few changes to him, not too too much though.

    Perhaps you've been wondering what ever happened with my other Dreadnought? Well here it is. Once again, I've made a few changes to it since this picture was taken, so you'll get to see that soon enough.

    And after all that World Eaters, I decided to take a break and try out different colour schemes. Introducting the Chaos Raptors of The Pyre!

    And then the Terminators of my own custom warband, with their blue, silver and bronze. Don't worry, they're a Khorne Warband, they chose blue as their main colour to mock the Thousand Sons.

    And with Chaos Terminators obviously comes a Chaos Land Raider! It's actually completely painted now in the same colour scheme as the Termies (and does look nice if I do say so myself)

    So that's it for the moment, but there's more to come. I'm currently working on some other guys at the moment which I'm extremely proud of, but I can't tell you what they are yet since that would ruin the surprise. But I can tell you that I've gone back to the World Eaters colours, and these new guys are heavily converted.

    Hopefully you've enjoyed my update, and I'll bring more soon!
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  9. #49
    Tick Gate 2014 Donut's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    iv never played the game, so i cant appreciate it for game content, but i can appreciate it for artistic talent. these are awesome
    i always love seeing stuff like this
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  10. #50
    Shoe Shining Peon RedBaron's Avatar
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    Re: World Eaters rule! Totaly better than Iron Warriors anyway.

    Wow, that's a huge improvement since your August posts. I hope you guys don't mind if I start posting some of my Blood Angels, but I really don't have anything to show since I just started painting again, and I've still got school on top of that. Here is a freehand I've done and also two guys that I've painted along time ago. I have since finalized my painting "recipe" and have started using badab' black on all my guys. The recent tactical marines that I've done (and don't have images of) look much darker and grimier. My friends often made fun of my old paint jobs as they were too vibrant and red. At least I learned how to thin down paint and do even base coating early on
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