im going to say this one more time: this is an obligation because you undermine your efforts when you fail to clear up the confusion that your target consumer has.
what you are doing looks very suspicious. you posted on this site, offering people a code for a game. if that code turns out to be a "stolen code", or is illegitimate, or on a "watch list" or whatever, it could get somebody's gamertag banned. nobody wants that. you guys who bought these keys know whether they're legit or not. i dont doubt they are. the part of this i think you guys just arnt getting is that we are not you. we dont know if you have some strange goal of world domination via h2pc key. you are offering these keys to us. as such, yeah, you kind of are obligated to clear up any doubts we may understandably have.
i appreciate you eventually posting those emails as proof, but like i said before, the second any doubt showed up... nay, IN THE OP, you should have provided the evidence that these keys are legit. at the very least, there never should have been any argument over whether or not they were legit, because there should have been no issue with saying "heres the proof" and posting it.
tl;dr: just dont fuck with people. provide all the facts up front, and avoid the conflict.
E: im really not trying to be an asshole or beat a dead horse here, i just want to make sure this point hits home. i like what you're doing, and i just want to make sure you guys do it right.
E2: just realized a ton of posts got removed. sorry for bringing that back up.
Last edited by Donut; April 19th, 2012 at 02:31 AM.
QQ umadMod should Close this, Just becoming a flame thread
I actually ordered 300, Ive paid Kiwi $100 to just TEACH me a few thing's. Paid Kant $30 Just for a patch for speed server sided. And over $100 For my site. Alot more into advertising and paying other coders :o I make about $16 Dollars an hour. Working for Century Link ServicesAll i care for is halo 2 coming back
from what it was in 2007-2008 Keys cost me about 0.50 in Bulk 300 first time, 282 was an error in my extraction bot. That got the keys from my email
Bottom line, We will no longer respond to any debate posts. about if i bought them or not etc etc.
Last edited by codehpr0; April 19th, 2012 at 03:37 AM.
remember the thread that ended with patrick's milk allergy? can we end this argument with I <3 zombies?
Someone likes trains.
E: on better thought, this video has alot of similarities to Modacity, swap trains with planes and it's almost there.
Last edited by =sw=warlord; April 19th, 2012 at 11:28 AM.
All this is is a shit show of insults from all three sides. Just lock the thread and be done with it. If people want to have their GT banned some time in the future, they can use this thread and be happy for a few months.
Let's be done. Wait, one more uneducated jab. [/quote]
really? If microshaft cared about GFWL they would have banned people from h2v long ago. The last update h2v had was in 2007, a month after it came out. Microsoft watched while h2v was destroyed by crashers, speedhackers, and autoaimbots. If anything, they should be glad the game is getting attention, and from what I'm seeing on waypoint and haloforums, we have many new players.
You also don't seem to understand friends have been sharing h2v keys for years. In clans, people reinstall h2v all the time and lose their disks. I've been in servers where literally all four of us had the same key, because I shared mine with them. This is perfectly legal. Imagine a friend buys you h2v. You have h2v. Now imagine someone gives you a key. You have h2v. The only part about questionable legality is multiple people using the same key because of the license agreement, but you can always just find another key, there's over 300. Think of it as gift giving. And there's more than enough keys to go around, and have one per person.
You're looking a gift horse in the mouth. No one is forcing you to take it, and all the relevant questions have been answered. It is as legal as giving a gift, is not GT bannable, and codeh bought them. Be suspicious all you want, no one forced you. But when you all take shits on this thread because you hate h2v/are bored/don't like people in the thread/don't believe someone would actually pay for something, you're just ruining the environment here. (last 2 paragraphs were "you" as in general people flaming this thread).
I <3 zombies.
Last edited by Ryx; April 19th, 2012 at 03:02 PM.
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