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Thread: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

  1. #31
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    I want a Thunderbolt VII...
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  2. #32

    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    More posts and excitement in this thread please.

    A good PC game deserves more awesomeness. Also they're at:
    Goal: $2,000,000
    Raised: $1,210,152
    Space Sim Fans: 13,432

    And they started a Kickstarter that works in parallel with their own crowd-funding source that has raised:
    7,188 Backers
    $318,793 pledged of $500,000 goal

    So total they're at around $1,500,000 / $2,000,000 already and they're only like 10 days in to crowd funding.
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  3. #33
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    I heard (uncomfirmed) the total budget was $14 milliion.

    I threw down some serious cash for my gaming pc, this is the type of game I bought it for, big, open, beautiful graphics, its just a shame I'm not totally into space games, that said I will pledge a bit for the game ^_^
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  4. #34

    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    They wanted $2 million crowd-funding in order to secure big private funders. They also have plans for "stretch goals" for any extra money they earn from crowd funding.
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  5. #35
    Posts, posts EVERYWHERE! Warsaw's Avatar
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    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    I heard (uncomfirmed) the total budget was $14 milliion.

    I threw down some serious cash for my gaming pc, this is the type of game I bought it for, big, open, beautiful graphics, its just a shame I'm not totally into space games, that said I will pledge a bit for the game ^_^
    One of the biggest draws to Star Citizen is that if it is successful, it could cause the big names in the industry to question their current methods of thinking and models of development.

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  6. #36
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    Is the citizen card a physical installer or is it just a piece of plastic? I want a physical copy of the game but there's no way I'm paying $125 for it
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  7. #37

    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    The citizen card is just some fluff item (kinda like a drivers license, except for a fictional space universe) that they're going to send out around December 2012. Every copy of the game you purchase ($30 and higher pledge) gets you a physical copy of the game. The versions with the little spaceship USB include the game on the USB instead of a regular disk I think.
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  8. #38
    +rep to cure coronavirus n00b1n8R's Avatar
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    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    Oh cool.
    I assume you can change your address somewhere? I doubt I'm going to be living here in 2 years when this vaporware ships.
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  9. #39

    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    I'm sure you can, worse case scenario you can send them an email on the main site. Click the question mark in the bottom right corner of:
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  10. #40

    Re: Star Citizen by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander, Privateer, etc)

    So they've hit the $2,000,000 goal, as well as the $2,500,000 stretch goal so far. They are rapidly approaching the $3,000,000 stretch goal. Not sure what I'm talking about? Stretch goals are extra content that they've promised to the pledgers if "x amount of pledges are made". Here's a brief look at them:

    If you haven't yet pledged and you're even vaguely interested, help the existing pledgers out by clicking here and selecting your desired pledge amount. Details on what is included in each pledge can also be found on that page.
    Last edited by Cortexian; November 7th, 2012 at 05:12 PM.
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