Fuck you, this gets its own thread now that the other one is redundant.
The rep system as it stands now is pretty worthless. If all you can do is give rep, and you can't even disable your own (!), what's the point? If the idea was to stop abuse and circle jerks, well that's not happening. Trusting the staff with -rep but then not letting the rest of us do it is insulting and invites abuse from people who already have plenty of power. The difference is that it's a lot more noticeable when they abuse their banning and editing powers than when they decide to abuse rep.
There was never a problem with abuse. A handful of really shitty posters made some terrible forum drama threads (a rather serious violation of the AUP from what I recall?) and it fizzled out. Oh no. Retaliatory rep wasn't much of a thing since you only take half what you give, and even when it did become a thing, the better posters would naturally rise to the top and be able to beat out shitty whiny posters so they wouldn't even have the rep power to retaliate. It was a perfectly fine self-regulating system, all you guys had to do was actually enforce the rules so maybe I guess I can see where the problem was.
If you aren't going to let us have the same powers you are, here are some solutions:
- Remove your own ability to -rep as well
- Make users able to disable their rep (why this doesn't appear to be an option is beyond me)
- Remove rep entirely again until such time as you decide to implement it properly, not in some half-ass mollycoddling way that makes it pointless in the first place.
Hope this helps.