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Thread: Modacity Reorganization

  1. #51
    Senior Member
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeph View Post
    Not a single complaint has been raised against anything going on in whatever texas thread you're talking about.
    A complaint shouldn't have to be made, a decent mod would have drawn the conclusion himself if he payed attention to the website.
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  2. #52
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Is this some sort of religion or something?
    Pray for thyn foes posts to be smited perhaps?

    While, yes, the forum god is real it cares not for puny mortal shit threads.
    There's a report post button for a reason.
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  3. #53
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeph View Post
    let me put it this way.
    you want to subject someone to reading those shit threads and make sure people play nice and give out internet warnings to people who argue on the internet?
    the only people willing to do that are people in those shit arguments.
    This. You would be hard pressed to find someone emotionally disengaged from those arguments who still cares enough to moderate them.
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  4. #54
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Being a veteran to the site and Halo CE, I always wanted to be a moderator here. Though most of the people I used to be friends with are gone now. Excluding con.
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  5. #55

    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Again, not a single complaint was raised.

    We check the reported posts and moderation stuff fairly often, we don't read every single post in every single thread. That is an unrealistic expectation...

    Flaunting again: I just updated vBulletin 12 patch levels. I was already ahead of Modacity, but these patches finally fixed quite a few issues. Plus I smoothed out some wrinkles in the style I was using.
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  6. #56
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

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  7. #57
    Tick Gate 2014 Donut's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    wait so, youre telling me the report post button is actually useful? the first time i used it, one of the mods sent me a pm telling me they couldnt really do much about the post, and every time after that i just didnt recieve any feedback at all. i figured nobody cared. that conscious realization stopped me from reporting half the posts in that thread, because i was about to a lot of times.

    i mean, that, and the fact that i figured everyone was aware that anybody who argues with ross, plus ross himself, tends to get pretty insulting. i kinda just figured we were letting that go.
    E: and the fact that that entire thread was a shit post to begin with
    Last edited by Donut; December 7th, 2012 at 12:22 AM.
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  8. #58
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    rossmum has reported a post.

    maybe you should reban this moron and his little dumb alt account????

    also higuy for dragging the idiot back onto the forums because ~BIG BAD ROSSMUM HURT HE BABBY FEELING~
    Post: Oh I wish I was(n't) in Texas...
    Forum: Off Topic
    Assigned Moderators: ExAm

    Posted by: TM_updates
    Original Content:
    Quote Originally Posted by rossmum View Post
    a bad poster

    edit: and also a banned poster
    Damn you're a pathetic little cunt.

    I am the only "Lodex" account on here, you fool.
    You don't have much friends do you, talking to and about people in such an inpolite manner.

    Go build a model airplane or something. And don't talk shit about people you don't know, loser

    Yeah, lemme just ban ross and whoever responded to him for name calling.

    DarkHalo003 has reported a post.

    I'm not even sure how to respond to this....
    Post: Halo 4: Master Chief kills Dumbledore.
    Forum: Tech Talk
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Warsaw
    Original Content:
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkHalo003 View Post

    You honestly think I only am talking from a technical standpoint? There is quite a difference between CoD joining-mid-game and Halo joining-mid-game. The gameplay is entirely different and as a result the experience is going to feel different, if not crass. Halo is one of those games where spontaneous shit happens and it's silly to not expect that out of a Halo title, even with this. You're right about the technical aspects because consoles are really computers used for gaming. However, the difference in gameplay changes how those aspects play out.

    As far as being thrown into shit games, there really isn't much to say here. Shit like that happens. Unless for some reason you get this pissed-off when you join Halo PC games midgame, don't take it so fucking seriously. You could also, I don't know, not use the feature? Try waiting for a game maybe? Point being, YES, you are acting like this game is utter shit because one feature has bugs and borks.

    Regardless, you and I are opposites, so you can state the inverse. However, I value my money and investments DIFFERENTLY than you do. I find more joy in different things than you do. I love some of that extraneous shit they want me to use. I don't find a problem with it. I don't mind the spontaneous insanity that happens in Halo games. It's why I play them in the first place. Just because I am not as critical about them doesn't mean I chuck my money out the window. It means I can enjoy something even if it isn't always up to the best possible standards. Honestly dude, I don't know if it's how you're writing, but you're looking like a brat.
    Funny you use that emote, since you started the drama after I rejected your explanation...because your explanation is completely off-base. There is literally no excuse for why this can't work and whether or not it is on a console has literally nothing to do with it. There is nothing so special about Halo that makes this hard to implement; it's a pretty generic science-fiction shooter with really good production values. If it's hard to implement this feature it's because they overlooked something major, there are no if, ands, or buts about it. So stop putting this game on a pedestal.

    On a separate note, I think it's high time this was stated directly: you are a spineless, manipulative weasel who lacks both observational skills and tact. You are incapable of making a point on your own without leaving yourself an exit plan in case people vehemently disagree with you because you made an uneducated, presumptuous, and distasteful assessment or statement. You are always trying to save face by attempting to explain your asinine comments in a way that makes you both look good and disown said asinine comment. Was I blunt in saying that the game-play has to be generally shit for this feature to not work properly? Yes, yes I was, and perhaps mistakenly so, but I didn't make it into a personal attack. You, sir (and I use the term apprehensively because I am pretty sure you are a madame), completely misread and twisted almost every point, pulled an argument out of your overstuffed asshole, and are now trying to frame me as the perpetrator of a dramafest. Stop being such a thunder-cunt faggot and inject some fucking integrity into your brain-dead excuse of a personality.

    I'm a stubborn son of a bitch, but at least I'm not crawling around in the fucking mud.

    Oh no, two people have differing opinions and have resorted to name calling like insults against one another. I shall ban them.

    This one was in the ross wants rep but only -rep so he can -rep people thread. It was furry porn. I'm going to ban you donut for making me click that again.

    Yeah, thats...

    This one was a bot post from an established member. I dunno what happened about that

    Pretty self explanatory.

    DarkHalcyon has reported a post.

    Piracy Discussion:
    User attempted to promote piracy or solicit product/activation keys or full game downloads from members.
    Post: 3D max 9
    Forum: General Modding
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Lucian1969
    Original Content:
    Can someone please get me a serial for the 3d max 9 trial or help me get a serial gen?


    Yeah, that's all that happened from October 25th to today.
    Guess the site's running pretty smoothly, but I'm gonna ban everyone involved with this just to be sure.
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  9. #59
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Lol, actually that fourth one was a legit thread.
    It helps if you actually read these things when moderating.
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  10. #60
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
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    Re: Modacity Reorganization

    Welp, now half that half the site is banned..
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