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Thread: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Exclamation [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K


    I would like to request aim assist for the M/K so it could be on-par with the Xbox 360 controller. Is there a way to "trick" H2V into thinking that someone with an M/K is using an Xbox 360 controller? And no, I don't mean plugging in your Xbox 360 controller and taping it. I heard that there was some work being done on this a couple years ago. Also, please don't blow me off and say H2V is dead or that I should just buy an Xbox 360 controller (I already own one, I just want to play H2V with an M/K and have an equal experience as a player using a controller.) Maybe if someone can get this too work, people might come back to play H2V (just a possibility).

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  2. #2

    Re: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

    The magnetism that exists in the game (controller-wise) will often mess up your shot. Say you are three bursts into a solid BR kill, then another enemy walks or drives in between you and the original target, well now you are being forced to aim at the wrong enemy. It does not always work in your favor.
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  3. #3
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

    Get a game pad, push up on one of the joysticks, tape it in position. I think the staff was trying to maintain a proper attitude at the time any trainers to do this would have been made, so any threads promoting it would have been trashed. If halomods is still a thing I'd suggest looking there.

    And no, the game wont come back. The GFWLEULA is counter-intuitive and the EK too far gimped.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Ryx's Avatar
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    Re: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

    I've done this in the past, but once you get good enough at MK it's counterproductive in BR and sniper fights. Sure it makes BR dubs a bit easier, but sticking to an enemy gets annoying when there's more than one.

    That being said, if you still want to, tape down the flashlight button on a controller. I used to use a cheap $2 one I picked up at radioshack.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Btcc22's Avatar
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    Re: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

    Built-in aimbots, heck yeah.
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  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2013

    Re: [REQUEST] Aim-Assist for M/K

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

    Getting good with M/K is hard for me since I have a cheap mouse (Logitech Mouse from Sams Club), limited space to move the mouse around, and a laptop with an old Intel HD Graphics card that has very limited graphics settings (there's no way to turn vsync on/off and I can't update the graphics drivers because they were altered by HP so I can't use the generic driver updates).

    Could someone develop an aimbot program that uses the same degree of aim assist as the controller?

    And please, I stated in my original post that I know about the taping method and I don't want to use it. I would like the M/K to have its own aim-assist w/o the help of a controller.

    Last edited by FlashFire; January 2nd, 2013 at 11:50 AM.
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