The pre-order for Arma 3 is up today on Steam exclusively. And is currently the #1 Selling item on the list.
There are 3 stages:
Stage Period Alpha Digital Deluxe Supporter Alpha March-June $33 $50 $91 Beta June-Launch $46 $65 $91 Full Game TBA $59 $65 N/A
Each stage has its own pricing structure. The cheapest being for early adopters (alpha stage). The pricing for each respective edition is $32, $52, and $91. The Alpha stage will presumably end when the alpha ends and the Beta stage will begin with higher pricing (+€10) for all editions except the Supporter edition. It looks like there will be new bonuses or extras at the Beta stage (most likely beta access and beta invites). The supporter edition is also removed after the beta stage and the pricing goes up €10 for the base full version once more.
So to recap, each edition gets their own set of extras. Lite invites do not include mod support or MP access.
Alpha: Full Alpha, Full Beta, Full Game, 3 Alpha lite invites, and most likely 3 Beta lite invites.
Digital Deluxe: Everything from Alpha edition, soundtrack, high-res maps, tactical guide, and Arma: Cold War Assault.
Supporter: Everything from Alpha and Digital Deluxe, Arma X Collection, all Arma 3 DLC, forum badge, and your name in the credits.
Check for full comparison details. I went with just the Alpha edition because I only want the game at the cheapest price.
I've been playing it a bit today. It's amazing. Check out these intro to Arma 3 vids by Arma legend, Dslyecxi: