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Thread: Bitcoin: it rocks

  1. #21

    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Trying to get dogecoins working on my titans with CUDAMiner...
    [2013-12-15 20:40:04] Stratum connection failed: Failed connect to doge.scryptpo; No error
    [2013-12-15 20:40:04] ...retry after 15 seconds
    Much help!

    Very donate: D7eNTyBHwvU6WEhs3tCJnkbBpDuXksgpZ6
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  2. #22
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Quote Originally Posted by Cortexian View Post
    Trying to get dogecoins working on my titans with CUDAMiner...
    [2013-12-15 20:40:04] Stratum connection failed: Failed connect to doge.scryptpo; No error
    [2013-12-15 20:40:04] ...retry after 15 seconds
    Post your bat. You can put worker.workerassword for credentials. Once you autotune, you can put in a launch config for the specific architecture of your card.

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  3. #23

    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Just using:
    cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -O username.worker:password
    Edit: Dogecoin wallet very sync.
    Last edited by Cortexian; December 15th, 2013 at 11:41 PM.
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  4. #24
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Looks right. Only thing I can think of is your account on scryptpools not having a valid payment address and/or worker not actually being added to the account.
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  5. #25
    Senior Member =sw=warlord's Avatar
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    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    It's the actual site giving the problems, I was trying to help Tyrant set this up and neither of us could get it working for that pool.
    Globalcoin has some pretty good pools though.
    And let us know how mining with Cuda cores goes, I hear AMD have a much better result than Nvidia do when it comes to GPU mining.
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  6. #26
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    My 590 is getting 440KH/s versus a 280X's 1.4MH/s. Definitely a lot better than it used to be but you're right AMD is the general purpose king.
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  7. #27

    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Trying to run CUDAMiner on my system results in Windows becoming incredibly unresponsive. Tried all manner of flag combinations to get it to work, still need to try disabling Nvidia Surround and attempting it without... Will do that tomorrow. For now plz send doges, much doges, many wow.
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  8. #28
    Tick Gate 2014 Donut's Avatar
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    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    Freelancer I had the same issue with CUDAminer. From what I understand, the problem is that CUDAminer doesn't support the stratum web interface thing, so you need to get the stratum proxy and run that as well.

    I'm not quite sure on how to do that though. I got that information from a post written in broken english on the 7th page of a >4000 post long thread. It's incredibly hard to find solid information on this stuff.

    E: also, if you can handle the system unresponsiveness, set your intensity in CUDAminer to 0. I set it to 11 like an idiot and almost burnt down my fucking house.
    Last edited by Donut; December 16th, 2013 at 02:46 AM.
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  9. #29

    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    OK so using:
    cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -O Username.worker:password
    And having a shortcut to have it start with my system this morning... Resulting in:
    [2013-12-16 09:28:23] accepted: 89/90 (98.89%), 606.13 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:28:46] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 13848576 hashes, 243.98 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:28:50] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 774144 hashes, 235.79 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:28:50] accepted: 90/91 (98.90%), 611.12 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:28:51] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 10781568 hashes, 376.25 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:28:52] accepted: 91/92 (98.91%), 612.04 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:28:59] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 2709504 hashes, 375.26 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:28:59] accepted: 92/93 (98.92%), 611.05 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:29:03] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 1725696 hashes, 368.17 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:29:04] accepted: 93/94 (98.94%), 603.96 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:29:09] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 1999872 hashes, 371.70 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:29:09] accepted: 94/95 (98.95%), 607.49 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:29:24] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 8515584 hashes, 243.82 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:29:25] accepted: 95/96 (98.96%), 615.52 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:30:08] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 22305024 hashes, 375.05 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:10] Stratum detected new block
    [2013-12-16 09:30:10] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 11139072 hashes, 243.81 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:10] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 733824 hashes, 370.41 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:10] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 21504 hashes, 97.30 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:11] accepted: 96/97 (98.97%), 467.71 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:30:29] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 4408320 hashes, 236.17 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:29] accepted: 97/98 (98.98%), 606.58 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:30:37] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 8080128 hashes, 301.96 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:37] accepted: 98/99 (98.99%), 538.13 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:30:40] Stratum detected new block
    [2013-12-16 09:30:40] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 628992 hashes, 200.11 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:40] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 2601984 hashes, 235.95 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:51] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 3032064 hashes, 271.26 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:30:53] accepted: 99/100 (99.00%), 507.21 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:31:23] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 10467072 hashes, 345.49 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:31:23] accepted: 100/101 (99.01%), 581.44 khash/s (yay!!!)
    [2013-12-16 09:31:25] Stratum detected new block
    [2013-12-16 09:31:25] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 1024128 hashes, 371.98 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:31:25] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 10945536 hashes, 241.65 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:31:35] Stratum detected new block
    [2013-12-16 09:31:35] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 3523968 hashes, 348.72 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:31:35] GPU #1: GeForce GTX TITAN, 2429952 hashes, 240.77 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:32:01] GPU #0: GeForce GTX TITAN, 9321984 hashes, 359.28 khash/s
    [2013-12-16 09:32:02] accepted: 101/102 (99.02%), 600.04 khash/s (yay!!!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Donut View Post
    Freelancer I had the same issue with CUDAminer. From what I understand, the problem is that CUDAminer doesn't support the stratum web interface thing, so you need to get the stratum proxy and run that as well.

    I'm not quite sure on how to do that though. I got that information from a post written in broken english on the 7th page of a >4000 post long thread. It's incredibly hard to find solid information on this stuff.

    E: also, if you can handle the system unresponsiveness, set your intensity in CUDAminer to 0. I set it to 11 like an idiot and almost burnt down my fucking house.
    I don't think much of that is right, I looked into the Stratum thing and although I did find a couple (older) mentions of it not supporting it I'm pretty sure it does now.

    As for the intensity thing, it's not the same as with cgminer or whatever. It's a toggle. 0 = off, 1 = on, and it's per GPU. I have two GPU's so the command to run both in interactive mode would be:
    -i 1,1
    You can define which GPU's mine using the d (lol), this example would only mine on GPU 2:
    -d 0,1
    What I have working now is all defaults as you can see above, will need to see if I can tweak it for Titan's but using the following doesn't have much effect and I think it's because I'm missing the number portion (ex: T28x4) but I have no idea what those numbers represent or how to calculate them...
    -l T,T
    Last edited by Cortexian; December 16th, 2013 at 01:04 PM.
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  10. #30
    suum cuique sehe's Avatar
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    Re: Bitcoin: it rocks

    nvidia cards are not for mining, you use more power than the money you mine.
    Look at your speeds, it's ridiculous for that price and power consumption, I get 400k hashes whit my 7870, which costs 1/4 of your card and uses like 60W @ 1.1V
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