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Halo 2 had by far my favorite multiplayer in it to date, hell, it was what got me into the series. Almost all of the maps that came out of the game are still some of the best in the franchise, including some of its SP missions.
I also dont see how you can say Halo 2 was a "completley different animal" in comparison to the other games. The multiplayer was pretty similar but had much more attention imo, and ofc it included some of Halo 2's newer mechanics. Halo 2's mp was great becuase it was much like Halo 1 - simple and fun. This time it just included XBL so you can play with your friends.
I hate how people hate on Halo 2. Even though the game was rushed in some areas and Bungie does not even deny it, the game as a whole is still very good and a very enjoyable experience.