Does anyone know any way to make a script to highlight all non planar quads in a scene? I have no familiarity with scripting in 3ds at all and I can't find anything anywhere on this particular topic.
Some background on why I need this. I've got a plugin for 3ds called wallworm that lets you make maps for source directly in 3ds and export them to a vmf. Theres a particular function that lets you make displacements from quads, which is nice because sculpting terrain in 3ds is a lot easier than in hammer. I have a really complex mesh that I want to make a low poly version of that consists soley of quads. I'll convert that low poly mesh to displacements, and then scuplt the displacements around the high poly mesh.
Every displacement has to be a convex planar quad, which is a pain in the ass. Now, I have a script that will go through a mesh and use the makeplanar function on every single face independantly. It runs through that process a few hundred times. Now, I don't know if the faces are actually all planar after doing this. They appear planar, however for all I know they all very clsoe to planar and not actually planar. That's why I need a way to check en mass.