Hello, friends.
It's about time for discussion to pick up regarding the upcoming Halo 5 Multiplayer Beta, included within the soon-to-be-released Master Chief Collection.
Today we received our first glimpse of gameplay changes, in the form of ADS (aim-down-sights) shooting with at least one weapon (which appears to be Halo's old staple the Battle Rifle). We also see the return of sprinting, a contentious gameplay element which, while compensated for by temporarily removing the ability to use weapons, introduces complications to designing multiplayer maps which serve classic Halo gameplay philosophies of timing and map control.
As most of us already know, bullet spread has been with us since the original Halo, if less visible, making Halo 4's emphasized reticle bloom an almost non-issue. That said, I think the introduction of ADS poses a secondary issue, in that, if we assume that Halo 5 behaves like its contemporaries, ADS will inhibit speed of movement, further exacerbating movement changes introduced by sprinting.
What are your thoughts on the new changes to gameplay? Look forward to more discussion in the coming weeks as more information surfaces.