Hey Guys, since I'm not so good on the research side of things I decided to create this little tool to allow anyone to mod Halo: Online. Just open up your tags.dat, choose your settings then save it again.
Currently you can
- Choose your Starting Weapon
- Enable Deathless Player
- Remove "Soft" Map Barriers
If anyone has any findings that they'd like me to add to the app let me know.
Thanks to Limited, Lord Zedd, AndroUser and everyone else on the Modacity IRC
29/03/2015 - Added an Automatic Exe Patcher to enable and disable the English Fix, Allow Mods, Disable Offline Countdown and Disable Account Check
Download Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!d1QDRLiS!p5WIVz70TuxUgbWMqgRSpJz6vTr-6DCpkdyKYWoGkK0
GitHub: https://github.com/OwnedTom/HaloTagEditor