nah i built an across the board weapon balance mod for them becaue all the p2w weapons are hitscan and bloomy and random af and don't fit the maps and there was a ton of drama i got wrapped into
Last edited by t3h m00kz; February 3rd, 2016 at 10:28 AM.
they also thought it was ok to remove aim assist on m/k and leave it on controllers. same bullshit h2v did. either modify the aim assist for m/k just to leave it balanced for both types of players. idk. Too me the halo online mod is just another h2v :/ so much potential but horribly executed.
h1 removed magnetism but not auto aim. for controllers you can re-enable it with player_magnetism 1, but it only works if there's controller look input
auto-aim in h1:
h2 did the same thing, but magnetism for controllers was on by default and worked 1:1 xbox
h:o they claim to have disabled both for mouse, but I swear my br shots are affected by auto aim. I care very little to test it
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