It works!
I think I had either the Carbine rifle or teh sentinel beam when I switched levels.
so can you make a video of having the glitch infinite ammo sword on the levels Arbiter through Oracle? Like right before Arbiter ends, and making sure you have a Carbine or Sentinel Beam and the Sword and skipping the cut scene, then going onto Oracle demonstrating the invisible Energy Sword glitch on a few flood forms.
double post, but:
It's for the xbox but it does show that you can empty an energy sword at the end of Arbiter, then begin Oracle with an infinite sword (the indicator is 0 and the blade is invisible but it works).
It works exactly the same way as on H2x, on outskirts, arbiter, delta halo, and sacred icon, grab an energy sword, deplete it, and keep it with you, next level it will have inf ammo. You dont need any special weapon combos for it to work. This works on all difficulty's.
Outskirts: Get outside the level (as if you were going for the blind skull) and find the building with the caved in roof, across from the zanzibar hotel, there will be an energy sword there.
Delta Halo: In the ravine (where cortana says the 'nice places' line) Just follow the river to find an enerfy sword
Well today i was playing the levels sacred icon to the great journey and see what i found.
I had a sword and shotgun from the uprising level, with prety much no ammo in the shotgun and almost no energy left in the sword. I continued to do the high charity level and once i got to the great journey, i started out with the same weapons as on uprising with full ammo and energy.
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