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Thread: Recorded Animations

  1. #11
    chilango Con's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    Quote Originally Posted by teh lag View Post
    Creating custom recorded animations in the toolset we have is impossible. While you can start, stop, and save recordings, Sapien does not allow you to move the unit you are controlling while recording, making whatever you do useless.
    wasn't someone able to use a controller to move a biped, or was that just my imagination.
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  2. #12
    The Cake is a Lie. Jay2645's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    If it was possible, then it's a good thing I have my 360 wired controller hooked up to my 360 and ready for easy transfer to my computer at any time.
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  3. #13
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    see if it works. cause ihave some 360 controllers in my closet. theyd be next to my hdtv but a certain object of mine overheated and the gpu meltzed...

    btw +rep to the person who gets it to work
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  4. #14

    Re: Recorded Animations

    Quote Originally Posted by wanksta(-=Inferno=-) View Post
    see if it works. cause ihave some 360 controllers in my closet. theyd be next to my hdtv but a certain object of mine overheated and the gpu meltzed...

    btw +rep to the person who gets it to work
    doesn't work, the only way i see recorded animations working is if you get the chief to move, and i dont think that code is in sapien any longer.

    edit: is it possible to create an external app for sapien to make mc move around? i doubt it, but just thought i would ask.
    Last edited by Choking Victim; August 18th, 2007 at 10:41 AM.
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  5. #15
    Looking for his home. Apoc4lypse's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    hmm, I wonder if there is a way to make recorded animations, other than recording them in sapien...

    because if u can import recorded animations, all we need to do is make a recorded animation. If someone could make an application that made recorded animation files, then all wed have to do is import the recorded animations. Course I'm, not saying thats easy to do lol, just an idea.

    Basically wud need to figure out the format that the recorded animations are in and such, maybe make it so u can create the animations with 3dsmax then somehow have a script export the animations as recorded animations to be imported into sapien, idk... we'd need someone good at programming and script writing.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member teh lag's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    Quote Originally Posted by Apoc4lypse View Post
    hmm, I wonder if there is a way to make recorded animations, other than recording them in sapien...

    because if u can import recorded animations, all we need to do is make a recorded animation. If someone could make an application that made recorded animation files, then all wed have to do is import the recorded animations. Course I'm, not saying thats easy to do lol, just an idea.

    Basically wud need to figure out the format that the recorded animations are in and such, maybe make it so u can create the animations with 3dsmax then somehow have a script export the animations as recorded animations to be imported into sapien, idk... we'd need someone good at programming and script writing.
    That won't work. Recorded animations are not so much animations as they are recorded movement inputs that are played back on units. Also, they're imported form other scenarios, not raw data when using the import recordings commands.
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  7. #17
    Taiko Drums = Win
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    Could you jery-rig it so that you could play a recorded animation and make so the cutscene makes you go back to the same place? Make it kind of obvious it cant be done, like the MC walks up to a button, pushes it and whacks on it then walks back in position?
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  8. #18
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlamingRain View Post
    Could you jery-rig it so that you could play a recorded animation and make so the cutscene makes you go back to the same place? Make it kind of obvious it cant be done, like the MC walks up to a button, pushes it and whacks on it then walks back in position?
    You dont seem to understand what a recorded animation is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Choking Victim View Post
    doesn't work, the only way i see recorded animations working is if you get the chief to move, and i dont think that code is in sapien any longer.

    edit: is it possible to create an external app for sapien to make mc move around? i doubt it, but just thought i would ask.
    The code is no longer in the Halo 1 Sapien.
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  9. #19

    Re: Recorded Animations

    Covie dropship has a model_animation's file specficly for a50, so it means that its the drop ship that comes out on the end of the level (keys driving the covie dropship?)
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  10. #20
    The Silent Photographer Zeph's Avatar
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    Re: Recorded Animations

    Quote Originally Posted by Apoc4lypse View Post
    hmm, I wonder if there is a way to make recorded animations, other than recording them in sapien...

    because if u can import recorded animations, all we need to do is make a recorded animation. If someone could make an application that made recorded animation files, then all wed have to do is import the recorded animations. Course I'm, not saying thats easy to do lol, just an idea.

    Basically wud need to figure out the format that the recorded animations are in and such, maybe make it so u can create the animations with 3dsmax then somehow have a script export the animations as recorded animations to be imported into sapien, idk... we'd need someone good at programming and script writing.
    Recorded animations are essentially the Halo 1 equivalent to what Halo 3 calls saved games. The RAs are pretty much all the movement data associated with a character/vehicle in the scenario. I've often thought about trying to export one from a scenario and seeing if it would be simple to reproduce/recreate in notepad.
    There's one thing you have to remember when 'doing' anything with recorded animations is Bungie absolutely despised them. They completely removed it's use when they moved on to Halo 2. That's why you see such completely different vehicle animation styles in Halo 1 and Halo 2. Those phantoms and pelicans are moving along a path that was written and Max. It's that sort of thing now :\. At least they seem to have cleaned up the process in Halo 3.

    But really, the most hilarious thing is how they cut out the code for RA in the Halo 1 sapien, either intentional or by complete accident, yet left it completely intact in the Halo 2 Sapien even though they dont use it at all. I bitched and begged for Korn to move the code back into Halo 1, but no joy. I cried and pouted for a while, but then I remembered we've moved on to better/more expensive things.
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