Yh...the DevTrainer for Halo 1 was actually fairly amature...except for TimeFreeze...which I didnt work out myself.
H2V DevTrainer is slightly more complex since (as far as I know) Halo 2v doesn't have any built in cheats, except for the skulls.
Here's features that are working:
Resolution Hack (allows any resolution, althgh I forget what happens if you pick a strange resolution in fullscreen)
Deathless Player
Infinite Grenades
Bottomless Clip
Infinite Plasma
No Overheat
Superjump (adjustable height)
One Shot Kills
Any Skull Activator/Deactivator
Time Freeze (except you can walk through characters..also, it will freeze any other "players" (i.e. online players)...Experimental Time Freeze allows you to also drive vehicles, although sometimes colliding with other vehicles causes them to come to life and for you to get stuck)
Physics Freeze (Great fun! No Gravity, or friction...doesn't affect you...very easy to send objects flying...also Experimental Physics Freeze is the same as above)
Save Checkpoint at anytime
Wireframe (which I guess i won't implement lol)
It also works in Vista and XP, and should work with any version of Halo2v...even future versions.
The game does not crash in Vista when the cheats are activated.
The following features are also a possibility:
Other shot modifiers (e.g. shoot players to change their team, freeze them,make them fly up to the top of the level)
"Shoot" possesion (shoot someone to possess them)
Save/Load player's position in a level
No Shooting
No Scripts? (nothing is spawned etc.)
No AI (enemies just stand there)
Glare light effects do not dissapear (looks impressive)
But I dont want to get anyones hopes up

I need to work on implemeting an effective UI into the game (it won't be pretty, but it has to work).
Plus now I'm at Uni...I've hardly had anytime to work on it at all...but hopefully, it wont be too long...