Hey, just letting you guys know that I decided to make the move over here. I'm sick of the Gearbox forums and the majority of it's inhabitants. It's not worth it, in all honesty, especially to post anything CE related, as no one visits that section anymore.
Regardless, if you didn't see my Gearbox post, the mod is pretty much done. We had to drop the morphball as the script doesn't work online with more than 1 person. Nothing can change that. The hud works, we're still trying to tweak the mod itself to ensure that it's fair and balanced, and all the gametypes are now supported. I'm trying to decide how I want to do the beta test, but I need to get 9 people other than me (fat chance in CE these days, huh?).
Sc00by and Lightning are on track (afaik) with Phendrana, the map we showed you in the end of one of our latest videos. It's going to be pretty awesome I think when it's done. I am definitely going to wait for that map to release the mod's first real map release, as the others were not ready for proper release. Now that we have the new mod, I think it will do our progress justice to have a pretty close rendition of Phendrana Shorelines to play our mod in.
I'll try to keep updating you guys to our progress, but since I don't quite know who all is new here, I'll post the last video we had uploaded.