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Thread: Metroid Online - The Move

  1. #41
    Splendid! ExAm's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Oh, awesome! Given the chance, I'd like to try this out. I have no idea what the criteria for a Beta candidate are, but I can dream, can't I?
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  2. #42
    A V A L O N TeeKup's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    It all looks really amazing. Especially the morph ball. :0
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  3. #43
    Splendid! ExAm's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Which was cut.
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  4. #44
    Junior Member
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    basically, seraph, i suggest putting the ball-spawns next to the tunnels on the map(s). tha's the only time when one would need to use it, i suppose? or set only one spawn place on each map...somewhere in the middle so that it adds to gameplay. people can race to the ball-spawns and use tunnels as shortcuts to flags...

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  5. #45
    Your mom goes to college! odseraphim's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Quote Originally Posted by Oxygen View Post
    basically, seraph, i suggest putting the ball-spawns next to the tunnels on the map(s). tha's the only time when one would need to use it, i suppose? or set only one spawn place on each map...somewhere in the middle so that it adds to gameplay. people can race to the ball-spawns and use tunnels as shortcuts to flags...

    The morphball itself is a novelty, it won't really add that much to gameplay, as most of our maps have vertical gameplay aspects (you have to climb up them to get to your destination). That, and if you have played Metroid Prime: Hunters, you know how annoying alt-spammers are. I have a feeling that most players would just hop into their morphball and just roll around, bombing people.

    My decision stays, no morphball.
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  6. #46

    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Meh, the morph ball looked kinda cheap anyways XP.

    I've probably said this on some other forum, but this mod is 1337 as hell. I (like everyone else) can't wait until the official release. Speaking of which, are there any estimates on dates, or are you going Duke Nukem: Forever on this project?
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  7. #47
    The Cake is a Lie. Jay2645's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Quote Originally Posted by p0lar_bear View Post
    I developed that generator ages ago for you, but we threw it out when the new ball script was made.

    Right now the only issue with it, as you can see there, it that it occasionally spawns a ghost when it shouldn't. Of course, this is fixable by making it so only one ball spawns; my generator was made to spawn up to three ghosts.
    Wouldn't creating a trigger volume and using a script similar to this work? (Mine's unfinished, by the way):
    (global short plyrnum 0)
    (script continuous increase_plyrnum
            (set plyrnum (+ plyrnum 1))
    (script continuous reset_plyrnum
            (= (> plyrnum 15) true)
                    (set plyrnum 0)
    (script startup RED_BANSHEE_GO_BYE_BYE
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
    (script startup BLUE_BANSHEE_GO_BYE_BYE
        (object_destroy blue_banshee)
    (script continuous redbanshee_spawn
        (sleep_until (if (volume_test_object red_banshee_spawn (list_get (players) plyrnum)) true))
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat red_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver red_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
        (object_create red_banshee)
        (sleep 450)
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat red_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver red_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
    (script continuous bluebanshee_spawn
        (sleep_until (if (volume_test_object blue_banshee_spawn (list_get (players) plyrnum)) true))
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat blue_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver blue_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy blue_banshee)
        (object_create blue_banshee)
        (sleep 450)
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat blue_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver blue_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy blue_banshee)
    EDIT: For the sake of trying my tutorial skills (Thinking about making one, and never made one before), I'm going to explain what each part of the script should do:
    (global short plyrnum 0)
    (script continuous increase_plyrnum
            (set plyrnum (+ plyrnum 1))
    (script continuous reset_plyrnum
            (= (> plyrnum 15) true)
                    (set plyrnum 0)
    Makes it so I don't have to set up 16 different scripts for each Banshee.
    (script startup RED_BANSHEE_GO_BYE_BYE
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
     Gets rid of the Red Banshee on startup.
     (script startup BLUE_BANSHEE_GO_BYE_BYE
         (object_destroy blue_banshee)
     Same as above, but for Blue.
    (script continuous redbanshee_spawn
        (sleep_until (if (volume_test_object red_banshee_spawn (list_get (players) plyrnum)) true))
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat red_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver red_banshee))) false))
      Tests if a player is in a trigger volume. If there is a player, it checks to see if someone is already in the Banshee. When false, it will continue.
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
        (object_create red_banshee)
    Destroys the old Banshee and makes a new one.
        (sleep 450)
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat red_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver red_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy red_banshee)
    Waits 15 seconds for someone to get in, if no one gets in, it destroys the shee.
    (script continuous bluebanshee_spawn
        (sleep_until (if (volume_test_object blue_banshee_spawn (list_get (players) plyrnum)) true))
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat blue_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver blue_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy blue_banshee)
        (object_create blue_banshee)
        (sleep 450)
        (sleep_until (if (vehicle_test_seat blue_banshee "driver" (unit (vehicle_driver blue_banshee))) false))
        (object_destroy blue_banshee)
    See the notes for the red one.
    Last edited by Jay2645; October 12th, 2007 at 01:47 AM.
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  8. #48
    Your mom goes to college! odseraphim's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Quote Originally Posted by odseraphim View Post
    My decision stays, no morphball.
    The maps aren't going to be improved by it, the gameplay is probably going to be weakened by it, and it generally looks and operates poorly, as you can't bombjump.

    Also, I said beta testing will commence when we get a new map worth testing in. I'll show you that map later this afternoon
    I'm shooting for tomorrow, but it's not in my hands.
    Last edited by odseraphim; October 12th, 2007 at 07:51 AM.
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  9. #49
    Your mom goes to college! odseraphim's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    Later this afternoon didn't go well. My stupid flythrough I made of the map looked horrible. I'll try to show you guys the general layout tomorrow, I'm beat.
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  10. #50
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid Online - The Move

    What's a bombjump?

    When something explodes and you jump at the same time?
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