Deathless Player you cannot die - must reapplied after loading a game.
Bottomless Clip your human ammo does not decrease
Infinite Battery your alien ammo/battery does not decrease
No Overheat your alient weapons do not overheat
Infinite Grenades you have infinite grenades - this may not show until
you change grenade type
Superjump allows you to jump to a custom height (e.g. very high)
Height: allows you to specify the custom jump height
One Shot Kills damage caused by you will be fatal, which includes
players, scenery, gun turrets, invicible players
Time Freeze (not as good as Physics Freeze) will freeze everything
except you, but characters will jump to where they were
going once time is unfrozen.
Physics Freeze (very good) Removes gravity and friction for most
objects. Characters cannot shoot etc.
but will continue to float in whatever direction they were
travelling in or are pushed in. Particles are frozen.
Method: You can choose "experimental" or "safe".
Experimental means that you can drive vehicles when
physics freeze or time freeze is on.
Save Checkpoint Not implemented.
Skull 1 The following options activate the built-in "skulls".
Skull 2 These are a lot of fun. Try activating them all
Skull 3 (except skull 7) for a fun game.
Skull 4
Skull 5
Skull 6
Skull 7 Skull 7 is "Blind", which removes your HUD (great for screenshots).
Skull 8
Skull 9
Skull 10
Skull 11
Skull 12
Skull 13
Skull 14
Skull 15
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