Another screw-up, you make and use hacks in public servers, you even make them available to the whole world, what's your problem? Want less players on H2V with so few players already?
Now it works, thanks kiwi.
BTW, anyone know which of the 15 skulls is the one that makes the AI go all ballistic with the grenades 'cause I keep flying out of almost all levels and it ain't pretty...
I think I found the order of the skulls!
(From 1-15)
1. Envy
2. Grunt Birthday Party
3. Assassins
4. Thunderstorm
5. Famine
6. I Would Have Been Your Daddy
7. Blind
8. Ghost
9. Black Eye
10. Catch
11. Sputnik
12. Iron
13. Mythic
14. Angry
15. Cow Bell
16(?)That's Just... Wrong.
("This list was taken from the
hex dump of the file.")
I took this from
I don't know what that "That's just... Wrong." skull is but it's not in your DevTrainer and no one else seems to have found it either (on PC or Xbox).
Last edited by Caboose O'Malley; January 3rd, 2008 at 01:26 PM.
No no...Kiwi has been very helpful, since for some people H2VDevTrainer does not load early enough (using my method). This is why a success message is shown, but the trainer fails to function.
(Note: The trainer DOES hook DirectX functions, but does not use DX to draw the menu)
He has provided an injector, the unmodified version of DevTrainer.dll and a direct download link, which is very respectable. (The readme may have also been useful though).
It is unfortunate that certain cheats appear to work online (although I would prefer to see a video of them from another player's point of view). In my inadequate testing environment, it appeared that multiplayer was disabled whenever H2VDevTrainer was enabled, so I saw no reason to try and disable it myself.
Kiwi's version is simple, make a shortcut for the inject.bat file, and put it on the desktop.
Then you can name it and give it a icon. Just open it and it should work.
It will look like this:
Would you like to load "messed-up two letter"
Click yes and it should work. Also, look at Paulus's readme for how to uninstall the devtrainer.
I also had some trouble getting it to work even with kiwis injetor, but this made it work in the end; instead of clicking "yes" when it asks you if you wish to load the DevTrainer.dll, click "no". It will still inject it due to the app kiwi provided and the game will launch, with the working DevTrainer in it!
BTW Paulus, think you could change the skull options numbers to their names? I provided the names in my previous post (they're all in the respectable order too)
Last edited by Caboose O'Malley; January 3rd, 2008 at 01:27 PM.
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